Java with Joe E.
Join us at the museum on the 4th Thursday of each month, 9-10:30 am for coffee, pastries, and lively conversation about historical and cultural characters and events. If you are interested in early morning coffee and a bit of history please contact the museum at 585-343-4727 or email Coffee and donuts sponsored by Tim Horton’s of Batavia.
Next Event:
Thursday, Feburary 27th
Dr. Michael Eula, “The Idea of Freedom, the Civil War, and Genesee County”
Thursday, March 27th
Tyler Angora, “A Dressmakers Work: Fasioning the 19th-Century”
Previous Topics:
Early Asylums on mental healing in WNY
Tuberculosis Hospitals in WNY
Toxins in Historical Clothing
World War I
Township Name Origins of Genesee County
Lincoln Assignation Conspiracy
Dutch Financiers of the Holland Land Company
Public Presence and Secret Injustice: Women in Genesee County, New York, 1802 to the Present
Female Slaves & Poor Women in Genesee County
Vietnam War Experiences
Local Genealogy
Antique Music Recording Devices
Antique Maple Syrup Making
Victorian Era Mourning
1925 Solar Eclipse
Presidential Visits to Genesee County
19th Century Weddings
Philemon Tracy
Chronicles of Genesee County
Agrarian Opposition to the Holland Land Company